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primary music teacher training


Teacher Conversations – What do you enjoy about teaching?

Early Years Teacher Training2


Early Years Teacher Training – 2023/ 24 Programme

English teacher training.jpg


Training to Teach with e-Qualitas

Our April and September Teacher Training cohorts are accepting applications, with no shortage of interest from schools and trainees alike. The below pdf includes key information that our team of ITT consultants share with trainees considering enroling on the School Direct and Teaching apprenticeship Programmes. You can read the full document below, using the links...

teaching apprenticeships


Celebrating Teaching Apprentices, for National Apprenticeships Week

National Apprenticeships Week 2023 brings together employers and apprentices across the country, shining a light on the positive impact that apprenticeships make to individuals, employers, and the wider economy. The Teaching Apprenticeship Programme perfectly illustrates the positive ‘Skills for Life’ impact of apprenticeships; with the need for teachers to join the profession as great as...

Chemistry Disciplinary Day Science Teacher Training


Chemistry Disciplinary Day – Science Teacher Training

This week e-Qualitas’ cohort of trainee chemistry teachers joined Joanna Igoe (e-Q’s Science Subject Lead) for their Chemistry Disciplinary Day at Mulberry UTC in London. The day’s presentations and sessions covered key aspects of e-Qualitas’ initial teacher training curriculum, with a range of practical experiments covered throughout. You can watch a short highlights video of...

james fazzani itt blog


Second School Placements and Upcoming ITT Programmes

e-Qualitas’ ITT Partnership Manager James Fazzani discusses the importance of trainee teachers’ Second School Placements, as he looks ahead to e-Q’s upcoming ITT start dates. “January is a busy month for everyone at e-Qualitas, especially for our trainee teachers on the Teaching Apprenticeship and School Direct programmes – for whom it is a truly unique...

January Conference 02


ITT Conference – Wednesday January 11th, 2023

As the January term began, we welcomed our trainees to the second phase of their teacher training, with our ITT Conference. The second term of our trainee’s ITT year started with an in-person training conference in London, which was attended by the full trainee cohort. This year’s conference included presentations from two guest speakers; while...

e Q ITT Partnership Newsletter


Insight to Partnerships – Newsletter

As the Christmas break approaches Claire Delaney, ITT Partnerships Director at e-Qualitas, shares her latest newsletter with mentors and lead trainers at e-Q partner schools and trusts. The bi-termly newsletter (included in full below) features details of programme delivery updates, training day highlights, wellbeing news and a spotlight feature on trainee second-school placements. Claire, who...

science teacher training


Primary Science – Initial Teacher Training Day

This week’s Primary Initial Teacher Training Day at e-Qualitas was focussed on Science, covering a range of practical experiments and learning techniques. e-Qualitas were joined by Meg and Martin from Sphere Science, who delivered face-to-face training sessions to e-Q’s cohort of Primary Trainees. In this video Shanti Chahal, one of e-Qualitas’ three Primary Subject Leads...

winter well being e Q


Winter Wellness: How to Keep Healthy and Warm

  eQualitas’ Wellbeing team have shared the latest Wellbeing Newsletter with current e-Q trainees. The latest newsletter – which can be read below – includes four tips for boosting your wellbeing, while staying safe and warm this winter. There is also a warming winter recipe included on the second page. You can download a pdf...

e qualitas trainees1


Wellbeing Survey – Tips from e-Q Trainees

As part of our focus on wellbeing, current e-Qualitas trainee teachers completed a short feedback survey, answering questions around their Initial Teacher Training experience so far. Surveys and trainee feedback play an integral role in helping us to continually improve the delivery of our teacher training, ensuring that trainee wellbeing remains a central part of...

teacher training wellbeing


A Wellbeing Message from e-Q’s Medic in Residence

e-Qualitas is pleased to introduce Dr Lizzie Vacher, a practicing medical doctor and current Medic in Residence for our ITT Programmes. In her role as Medic in Residence, Lizzie works directly with our SCITT’s trainee teachers, sharing the benefit of her own experience within education and how that led her throughout her career progression. In...

primary scool teacher training phonics


Phonics ITT Training Day 1 – Systematic Synthetic Phonics

Last week e-Qualitas’ cohort of Primary trainees completed their first Phonics training day, specifically focussing on Systematic Synthetic Phonics. The training day, held at e-Q’s London base (Hend House), was led by Phonics Subject Lead Ashleigh Bruce. The day’s focus was on the background of Phonics and its place within the curriculum, with group exercises...

science teacher training lead


Subject Lead Conversations: Joanna Igoe, Science

e-Qualitas’ ITT cohort are led by subject-specific leads throughout their teacher training year; Joanna Igoe is our SCITT’s lead for Secondary Science. As Science Subject Lead, Joanna works with e-Qualitas’ trainees within our Secondary cohort on the School Direct and Teaching Apprenticeship Programmes. In this short interview, Joanna shares an insight into her teaching and...

e Q ITT Partnership Newsletter


Insight to Partnerships – An update from Claire Delaney

As the half-term break approaches Claire Delaney, ITT Partnerships Director, shares her latest newsletter with mentors and lead trainers at e-Qualitas’ partner schools and trusts. The bi-termly newsletter (which is included below) includes details of partnership successes, feedback from trainees, feedback from partner schools and a spotlight feature on a key aspect of programme requirements...

teaching apprenticeship salary


Updates to ITT Salaries and Funding

  Last week the DfE confirmed increases to funding for Initial Teacher Training salaries, bursaries and scholarships. The updates will see significant increases in funds available to trainees and schools enrolled on the School Direct and Teaching Apprenticeship Programmes. James Fazzani, e-Q’s ITT Partnerships Manager, reflects on these updates and their potential impact on the...

online teacher training day


Training Day #4, ‘How Students Learn’

Last week e-Qualitas’ cohort of trainee teachers, from the Teaching Apprenticeship and Schools Direct programmes, spent the day in online training sessions focussed on ‘How Students Learn’. The day’s training sessions took place virtually, with trainees divided into subject and phase-specific groups. e-Qualitas’ Subject Leads delivered the training sessions, with presentations and group-discussion activities throughout...

matpn conference


James Fazzani discusses ‘The Golden Thread’ into education

This month e-Qualitas will be attending the MATPN Midlands conference in Nottingham, an annual networking event for senior leaders of Multi-Academy Trusts. James Fazzani, e-Q’s ITT Partnership Manager, will be delivering a presentation titled ‘The Golden Thread’ during the first day of the event (Tuesday October 11th). e-Qualitas have supported and attended MATPN (Multi-Academy Trust...

tellmi education mental health support


e-Q Wellbeing: Tellmi Mental Health Support

Primary Maths Teacher Training


Subject Lead Conversations: Vicki Cann, Primary Mathematics

e-Qualitas’ Initial Teacher Training (ITT) curriculum places a great deal of importance on subject specificity in both secondary and primary education. ITT trainees and apprentices are taught by designated subject leads in English, maths and phonics in primary education. Vicki Cann, a highly experienced teacher and former Head Teacher, is e-Qualitas’ Subject Lead for Primary...

What our teachers say about us...

I have most enjoyed the deep-dives in each of the subjects. You've got all the of the expertise of the Subject Leads, and tutors - you can go and ask them questions. It is a culture and an environment where you have all the expertise and experience at your fingertips that you could need.

Sian - Primary Teacher - e-Qualified ✓

What our teachers say about us...

As part of the teacher training programme, so many doors and windows of knowledge are opening. Last term's focus was on assessment, which has been transformative for me. I am now able to look at what my children know, what they need to know and then adapt my practice based on the knowledge they've demonstrated. It's made me a better teacher, because I can adapt my practice to suit everybody.

Dan - Primary Teacher - e-Qualified ✓

What our teachers say about us...

Coming to e-Qualitas and going to the training days has given me the confidence to take lead in the classroom and when working with my support staff.

Cherelle - Primary Teacher - e-Qualified ✓

What our teachers say about us...

This has been a great, supportive programme because I get the freedom to come up with plans and then see them in action with my students. I couldn't ask for a better experience.

Kellie - Secondary English Teacher - e-Qualified ✓

What our teachers say about us...

I'm really lucky at my school that I have a fantastic mentor and really supportive science staff, so I am getting on-the-job advice all the time. Talking to other trainees about what has worked is very useful, because they are at the same level of experience as me and their advice is great too.

Alison - Secondary Biology Teacher - e-Qualified ✓

What schools say about us...

Working in partnership with e-Qualitas has allowed us to put into place a system to support new members of staff in school. It's about focusing on developing individual teachers and supporting them through the teacher training programme.

Mr Tony McCabe - Head Teacher - St Joseph's RC School

What our teachers say about us...

The in-person training sessions have been great and have fostered a brilliant sense of community among trainees, who are from different parts of the country. We've had a lovely mix of practical and theory - enabling us to put into practice everything we've been discussing.

Shikiera - Primary Teacher - e-Qualified ✓

What our teachers say about us...

My subject knowledge has definitely improved from working with the Subject Leads; building my understanding of substantive disciplinary knowledge. I feel I am able to talk to the Subject Leads after each training session to discuss each training session in more detail. My subject lead has been so helpful with my learning sequences.

Masooma - Primary Teacher - e-Qualified ✓

What our teachers say about us...

The workload on the training programme is demanding, though it is manageable.The training and communication that you receive from e-Qualitas makes the workload both acceptable and convenient. Thumbs up, I am looking forward!

Bugra - Secondary Maths Teacher - e-Qualified ✓

What our teachers say about us...

My teaching skills have improved so much during the training year. My tutor and my mentor worked really hard with me, and I am really thankful for the efforts they made to make me the teacher I am today. My Subject Lead taught me so much, for example how to scaffold a lesson - making sure the whole class is engaged with tasks.

Amara - Secondary Maths Teacher - e-Qualified ✓

What schools say about us...

One of the most important things we do is appoint the right members of staff, with the right mindset and ability to form relationships with young people. The brilliant concept of the Teaching Apprenticeship Programme is that you can identify talent in members of staff currently within school.

Mr Tony McCabe - Head Teacher - St Joseph's RC School