Early Years Teacher Status (EYTS) offers benefits to the trainee, their employer, colleagues and – above all – the children in the early years setting. In this case study, we meet Sarah who began her EYTS training as an experienced Early Years Manager and Team Leader at Imperial Oak Preparatory School in Greenwich.
Imperial Oak Preparatory School – also known as Zippy’s Day Nursery – welcomes children from a diverse range of backgrounds in the 0-5 age range; the setting has a dedicated team of Early Years professionals who provide high levels education and care.
In this case study we meet Sarah (Team Leader and Nursery Manager) as she completes her training to gain her Early Years Teacher Status (EYTS) with e-Q, as well as her key colleague Gloria.
Meet Sarah: Nursery Manager, Team Leader and EYTS trainee:
Sarah joined e-Q’s EYTS programme with a wealth of experience as a Nursery Manager at Zippy’s Nursery / Imperial Oak Preparatory School.
Sarah’s Bachelor’s degree and her position of employment in an early years setting made her eligible to train as an Early Years teacher, accessing DfE funding to pay her course fees and contribute a £7,000 incentive to her employer setting.
In this short video, Sarah discusses her role within her setting and shares her motivations for training to become an Early Years Teacher; Sarah also discusses the aspects of eQ’s 100% online training programme that particularly appealed to her.
Meet Gloria: Sarah’s Key Colleague
Every EYTS trainee is supported and observed by a colleague within their setting who acts as a key colleague during their training year.
A key colleague does not need to be more experienced or senior to the trainee within the employer setting; they need to be a colleague within the setting who is able to observe the trainee’s practice and to reflect on their application of EYTS training.
Sarah’s Deputy Manager Gloria acted as her key colleague throughout the training year. In this short video Gloria discusses her experience of working with Sarah and e-Qualitas as key colleague.
EYTS Training: Impact
Sarah undertook her training while employed in a full-time position, fitting this around her daily duties in the nursery setting.
In this short video, Sarah discusses the impact her EYTS training had on her day-to-day role, the importance of reflective practice after online training days, and the aspects of the training programme that she found most valuable throughout the year.
In this video you can also see short excerpts of e-Q’s online training sessions from the EYTS programme.
You can learn more about Imperial Oak Preparatory School, and the education they provide, by visiting their website here.
If you or a colleague would like to learn more about EYTS training, please visit our dedicated Early Years Training page, or otherwise complete the short form below if you’d like to hear from our admissions team directly: